Professional Executive Resume Writers 

Executive resume writers create marketing copy for senior executives and C-suite members (CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CIOs, CMOs, COOs, etc. and Board members).

By specializing in the writing of high-level executive CVs, executive resume writers are experts in the design, positioning, and development of content marketing ideal for a job search market.

Hiring an executive resume writer will yield the best results because writing an executive resume is a complex writing project which requires more than just merely listing career chronology. It is imperative that at this senior executive level, your resume tells your unique story and how that supports your candidacy in today’s job search market — not as a qualified leader but as the best choice. 

What Are Executive Resume Writers

If you think that the job of a professional resume writer is to whip up a fancy-looking document with a few keywords and a few action verbs, then you have never partnered with a great one.

A top executive resume writer is a marketing strategist, an advocate, and a job seeker champion with a heightened perspective of the job search market.  Therefore when you partner with the right executive resume writer, you are partnering with an expert content strategist and brand builder. 

This expert communications strategist has the power to wield words to connect with your target audience, and they translate your years of experience, accomplishments, and qualifications into a value-add communication tool that solves a problem–and solves it better than your competition. 

I bet if you look at your resume right now, it is not that type of strategic document. Is it? Let’s see: 

Is it promising a clear ROI to your future employer?

Does your resume bridge a market white space gap?

Has your resume translated all those job titles and functions into differentiating benefits and features?

You see, when you hire an executive resume writer to create your new branded executive resume, what you are doing is employing a specialist to diagnose your resume, determine the ailment, conduct treatment, and implement it for optimal outcomes.

Perhaps you aren’t even sure what your next best step is and you are looking to your writer to help you determine this. Yes?

Too many times, executive resume writers are thought of as fancy typists who will regurgitate information. That is not what expert career marketers do. Here is the truth.

What Executive Resume Writers Do?

1. Stay ahead of the latest job search trends via networking and online surfing. 

2. Study the art of resume writing and branding via career conferences, webinars, and other forums provided by professional resume writing associations to provide job seekers with the latest solutions.

3. Research the industries job seekers are entering to understand the pain points employers are dealing with and position job seekers in the market. 

4. Read and digest other resumes, staying sharp when it comes to the best resume writing tactics. 

5. Gain education and certifications to expand the knowledge base and cultivate a thought leadership reputation. 

6. Interview job seekers from across the globe and learn about their self-marketing challenges–pairing efforts to overcome a myriad of issues such as:

Too many career transitions. How can you showcase stability? 

Job titles that don’t reflect the real accountabilities. How can you demonstrate your true leadership scale?

Diverse roles that often dilute the leadership brand. How can you impress that the career track was intentionally adding value to your career journey?

Multiple job roles under the same company for more than a decade or two. How can you market diverse experiences under the same umbrella? 

International assignments to handle different projects, and now your career appears disjointed. How can you show progression?

A roster of companies that failed to achieve a goal. But, I hear you, you indeed were the unsung hero who took up the challenge!

A resume that is just not good enough to beat top candidates. What are others saying that you are not? 

A resume that is multiple pages long and reads more like a report. How can you condense it, retain value, and create a persuasive call to action?

[I once spun a 12-page CV into a two-page resume. Yes, it was a great one!]

A resume that doesn’t give you enough lift to make it up the corporate ladder. How can you make that jump?

The above are just a few issues of many that today’s executive resume presents. 

If you can’t say you have resolved these types of marketing challenges for other leaders, then you should not write your executive resume yourself.

You are doing yourself a disservice by hiring someone who isn’t qualified to give you the best solution.

Would you ask someone on your team to handle a critical project that they will be just okay at, or would you hand it to the best?


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