Executive Resume Writer | Professional Executive Resume Writer

Executive Resume Writer
Certified Career Management Coach

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas
Multi-certified, Award-winning Resume Writer 

Executive Resume Writer
Rosa Elizabeth Vargas



Rosa Elizabeth Vargas is a distinguished Executive Resume Writer and Career Management Coach, acclaimed for her expertise and dynamic approach in the career industry. With elite credentials, including Certified MASTER Resume Writer (CMRW), Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW), Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW), and Certified Career Management Coach (CCMC), she offers unparalleled service to executives seeking to elevate their career narrative and job search strategy. 

As a member of the prestigious Forbes Coaches Council and a recipient of more than twenty TORI Awards and nominations, Rosa is recognized as an industry-leading resume expert. Her extensive experience as a senior executive, combined with her contributions to over ten career industry books, showcases her deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing executives today. Rosa’s expertise is further enhanced by 24 honors and four professional certifications, demonstrating her 15-year track record of success in securing job interviews and advancing executive careers.

Published writer

 From Your Executive Resume Writer

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas, certified resume writer, is a veteran in the executive resume writing and career coaching industry.

In the intricate tapestry of career narratives, I serve as a seasoned weaver of executive brands, meticulously interlacing threads of ambition, determination, and success into every executive resume I design. 

As an accomplished executive resume writer and personal branding specialist, my purpose extends beyond creating mere job-seeking tools; instead, I sculpt memoirs of industriousness that evoke pride, acknowledge perseverance, and fuel upward career mobility.

For more than 15 years, I’ve written resumes chronicling the professional journeys of global executives—CEOs, COOs, CIOs, CFOs, CMOs, CTOs, Board Members, et al.

My passion lies in translating personal executive victories into professional triumphs, capturing the moments where you were the hero, overcoming milestones, achieving marvels, and surpassing challenges.

I enjoy the process of thoughtful interviewing, acting as an advocat4e, and often connecting your stories with what I understand executive recruiters are interested in. 

The gift of a true executive resume writer, as I’ve discovered over my years of practice, is not simply in rehashing worksheets but in the ability to transform conversations, experiences, and research into compelling, fact-based, engaging narratives promising distinct value.

My approach is not just about retelling stories, it’s about reshaping them for the world of career advancement.

An industry veteran and recipient of top-tier executive resume writing credentials, my commitment to mastery is mirrored in my esteemed resume writing certifications, career coaching designations, and corporate experience. This corporate experience includes serving in executive roles with P&L accountability, staff hiring and training, and reporting directly to CEOs and COOs while leading winning teams to deliver home runs. 

As a career coach and recruitment insider, I keep my finger on the pulse of current hiring practices, giving you a crucial vantage point during the development of your standout executive resume and successful job search campaign.

My approach to executive resume writing is both global and personal. I am equipped with an international perspective, granting global market insights and superior writing benchmarks to brand my executive clients as ‘must-call’ candidates in any continent.

Aided by an experienced writing assistant, we are a collaborative force ensuring you’re in good hands with us.

I am not just an expert executive resume writer but an assiduous content strategist dedicated to your career elevation.

Together, let’s sculpt your executive resume to reflect the career journey you’re already proud of, not just for a job.

To learn more about our executive resume writing services, contact me at writer@careersteering.com or call 321-704-7209 to set up a 20-minute preliminary phone consultation.


Job-Winning Resumes By Top Executive Resume Writer

  • More than 24 nominations and wins for TORI Awards: Toast of the Resume Writing Industry global competition, recognizing the best resume writers in the world!
  • I was invited and accepted into the exclusive Forbes Coaches Council.
  • One of only 28 Master Resume Writers (MRW) globally.
  • Coveted (CERW) Certified Expert Resume Writer.
  • Distinguished (NCRW) Nationally Certified Resume Writer.
  • Only Resume Writer with the combination of the following designations NCRW + CMRW + ACRW + MRW + CCMC. 
  • Resume Writing Academy Graduate: One of the first to earn the Academy Certified Resume Writer credential by pioneers Louise Kursmark and Wendy Enelow’s Resume Writing Academy and trained by the industry’s top professionals and pioneers.
  • She is a contributing author to top career publications. 
  • A life-long learner who seeks continuous training to nurture expertise in the latest trends in Resume Branding and Career Marketing.
  • Former executive resume writing expert for Ladders.com and Monster.com.
  • Former Hiring Authority.
  • Resume Writing Blogger.

Executive Resume Writing Authority:

  • Hand-picked as a Resume Branding presenter for the National Resume Writers’ Association.
  • Fortune 500 Job Search Expert for Job-Hunt.org.
  • Served as the Credentialing Associate for the Master Resume Writer Certification.
  • Credentialing team member for the National Resume Writers’ Association.
  • Former Region 3 Representative for the Nationally Certified Resume Writer designation.
  • Published nationally in over eight resume writing and job search books.
  • Guest appearances on Internet Talk shows to discuss trends in resume writing and career management.
  • Columnist for various national and global career sites.
  • Twitter expert for Careerealism.com.
  • Social Networking & Online Job Search expert, providing expertise via blogs across the web: Smart Brief, Career Collective, Examiner.com, JobMob, BusinessWeek, and more.


Navigating the Waters of Executive Career Transition:

The stakes are exceptionally high in the rapidly evolving executive job market. Career transitions at this level are not just about finding a new job; they’re about strategizing for long-term career growth, aligning with organizations that value your vision, and positioning yourself as a key player in transformative leadership. This is where my role as your Executive Resume Writer transcends conventional boundaries.

I delve into the essence of your executive persona, identifying and articulating your core leadership philosophies, your transformative contributions to past roles, and your vision for future impact. With a keen eye on global market trends and a deep understanding of the subtleties of executive presence, I craft your resume as a document and a testament to your leadership journey and a beacon for your future aspirations. This comprehensive approach ensures that your executive resume is not merely a list of past achievements but a compelling narrative that resonates with the ethos of visionary companies and leading-edge sectors. My mission is to empower you to step into your next role confidently and clearly, fully equipped with a resume reflecting your stature and potential. Let’s embark on this journey together, ensuring your career transition is not just a change but a significant leap towards your professional zenith.

Our Executive Resume Writing Team:

At the core of our services lies a boutique-style approach, ensuring that every client receives personalized, one-on-one attention directly from me, Rosa Elizabeth Vargas, a multi-certified executive resume writer. This personalized approach extends beyond mere writing – it encompasses a comprehensive collaboration process involving editing, in-depth research, and meticulous preliminary preparation tailored specifically to the nuances of executive careers.

While intentionally kept small, our team is robust in its capabilities and dedication. It consists of an American-based crew, including an assistant resume writer, an administrative professional, and a project manager. This structure is designed not just for efficiency but to maintain a high standard of quality and personal engagement that larger firms simply can’t match. Each member of our team is handpicked for their expertise, commitment to excellence, and understanding of the executive landscape.

We pride ourselves on creating a collaborative environment where each resume is treated as a unique project, mirroring the distinctiveness of the executive it represents. This approach allows us to craft authentic and compelling narratives that stand out in the competitive job market. Unlike volume-driven resume factories, our boutique service ensures that every document we produce is a testament to the individual’s executive brand, shaped by their career goals and achievements.

Furthermore, our dedication to authenticity and detail is reflected in our commitment to understanding each client’s unique career path, leadership style, and aspirations. By doing so, we are able to integrate personal branding elements that resonate with target employers and executive search consultants. This results in a hard-hitting executive resume that not only passes Applicant Tracking Systems but also captivates human readers, setting our clients apart from other candidates.

In conclusion, our executive resume writing team isn’t just about producing documents – it’s about forging partnerships and crafting careers. By choosing our boutique-style service, you’re not just getting a resume but investing in a collaborative process that aligns with your executive trajectory, enhances your marketability, and prepares you for the opportunities ahead. We invite you to experience the difference personalized, expert attention can make in your executive job search.

Our Certified Master Resume Writer selectively works with a small number of clients per month. To secure the fastest turnaround, please choose from our most popular packages or email us at writer@careersteering.com to begin your partnership online.

Please view our professional executive resume samples here.

Please review executive resume writing services and rates here.

Click here to learn more, and contact our executive resume writer.