Post Tagged with: "Job search"

Is Your Resume Boring Hiring Managers?

Does your resume resemble a check list, to-do list, a laundry list? Have you desperately tried to convince your prospective employers of your qualifications by including everything but the kitchen sink in your resume? Well, please don’t. (Seriously. Don’t) Believe me, HR knows what a job description is; they have seen thousands of resumes. While the HR/hiring authority’s goal is to screen resumes and identify qualified candidates, the person doing the screening, well, is a person—and, no one enjoys being bored to death, especially not by sifting through long-winded resumes that regurgitate all-too-familiar job descriptions.

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executive resume writing packages

Executive Job Search: Mindset is Everythig

So, begin to take notice, write down all the reasons why you believe your job search is not fruitful, what your weaknesses are, why you think you are NOT the best candidate and then eradicate that thinking. Replace it with positive self-talk and substantiate it with achievements. Ironically, exploring your negative dialogue and reversing it, can lead you to your UVP (unique value proposition).

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Add LinkedIn Power to Your Job Search Arsenal

You set up your LinkedIn and now you are waiting for someone to contact you, tell you how wonderful they think you are, and that you’re perfect for a job lead they have! (Yeah. Right.) If only it were that simple. LinkedIn is one social media tool to network online and create more opportunities. There is much more to successfully gaining a job lead online than “setting up tent” but, for now, let’s explore how you can improve your LinkedIn today!

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