Executive Job Search Strategies

Instantly Improve Your Executive Resume with 5 Powerful Tips

If you are ready to job search with a FANTASTIC executive resume, you have to strategize beyond functions, skills, and accomplishments. Yes, beyond achievements, because at the executive level EVERY candidate is competent and successful. As a leader, you are not hired as a ‘cog in the wheel’ but to re-invent, fix, or upgrade the machine! […]

Executive Job Search Strategies


16 QUESTIONS YOUR EXECUTIVE RESUME MUST ANSWER Getting ready to write your executive resume requires some deep analytical thinking. Take your time and plan before you write your executive resume. The more you focus your executive resume, the better responses you will receive. When it has been done right, a convincing executive resume close to […]

Expert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies

Mining For Your Executive Brand

What has cemented the doom of many job seekers, including executives, is their inability to wrap their minds around marketing themselves with a unique identity as if they were a product. As a ‘product,’ you must clearly articulate your executive brand and unique value proposition (UVP) and promise a return on investment (ROI). Yet, instead, […]

Executive Job Search Strategies

Global Executive Resume Keywords

Is your executive resume projecting the global mindset of an enterprising multinational leader? In today’s global business environment, the candidate that will rise to the top of the resume pile has presented an executive resume that promotes crucial international competencies. These essential skills will help employers see you leading in a complex, dynamic, and fluid […]

Expert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies

Resume Branding Works!

Brand Your Resume with Distinction and Soar Your personal brand is your image, reputation, and distinction. A branded resume is a dossier that is unmistakably marked with superiority and distinction from start to finish.  When your personal brand is knitted into a cohesive message and woven throughout your resume, it summarizes your (UVP) unique value proposition […]

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Executive Resume Writing Service

Executive Job Search: Mindset is Everythig

So, begin to take notice, write down all the reasons why you believe your job search is not fruitful, what your weaknesses are, why you think you are NOT the best candidate and then eradicate that thinking. Replace it with positive self-talk and substantiate it with achievements. Ironically, exploring your negative dialogue and reversing it, can lead you to your UVP (unique value proposition).