Is Your Executive Brand Completely Wrong?

An executive once said to me, “I need your help. I need to REBRAND my resume.”

I was expecting, “I don’t know why my resume isn’t working.” But, what I was presented with was an unexpected “rebrand?” Well, if I wasn’t already sitting. 

You see, many leaders in the middle of an executive job search campaign don’t realize what they are attracting with their current resume is no accident.

If you are not intentionally building a personal brand with a value offer that aligns with your goal, you need a rebrand. (Hence, why this fellow surprised me. He figured it out).

You must strategically write your executive resume to win in this job search market. Our top executive resume writers can help you do just that. 

The fact that you are not receiving the type of interview calls you desire means that you are not marketing to the RIGHT audience because your executive resume brand does not align with what you seek to do next.

Why an Executive Resume Rebrand?

Let’s talk about this executive-level careerist who was conscious of the fact that he needed a rebrand. The personal brand this fellow was brandishing screamed ‘organization savior.’

The problem?

Most of the job offers he was attracting were coming from companies in need of immediate and challenging rescue. It is a logical result.


So, the branding strategy was working. The issue was that this careerist no longer wished to come in and organize chaos. Yet, the distinction, keywords, and positioning of accomplishments on his executive resume shouted the following: 

Give me your poorest, most chaotic department, with little or no employees, and diluted resources—I like that, and I am good at it!”

The Complexity of Branding

Many executive careerists will launch a job search campaign by promoting what they have been told is their talent, what they have been handed by employers.

This is the traditional way of writing an executive resume and if what you have been working on is what you wish to continue to do — great.

But if it isn’t, then you’ve got some rethinking and strategizing to do, because this ill-defined brand narrative will result in a dream-job gap. 

When you brand yourself with the future in mind, you will calibrate your marketing message to dial in on your desired job. This is what they mean by targeted marketing! 


The Value Offer and Your New Executive Brand 

First, let’s be clear: in order to win that job, you must solve a problem for employers. Please know that companies are looking for candidates because they need a solution.

If boarding a sinking ship, steering it, and hoisting it out of turbulent waters is what you enjoy—ahoy! But (pay close attention now) if you do not desire to save a department from flounder—what then is your value offer?

You see, when you undergo your rebranding initiative, you must make sure that you are not the only one winning.

There must be value in your personal brand for your future employer. 

Possible Value Offers:

Taking the department to the next level?

Offering higher returns?

Guaranteeing more efficiency?

Promising to train even better employees?

Forecasting what they don’t know they need yet? 

Yes, you can present a solution to a challenge they have not faced. Think about this: how often have you purchased a product you initially didn’t know you needed?


Branding. Targeting. Marketing! 


You must be strategic and calculative in defining and promoting your new brand. What you promote most prominently will attract those in need of just that. It is that simple.

What is your executive resume brand saying about you? 

What would make you happy?

What is the value you are offering?


Rosa Elizabeth Vargas
Quadruple Certified Resume Writer
Certified Career Management Coach

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