Spruce Up Your Resume in 60 Minutes or Less

How would you feel if you had a nicely polished resume that projects and elevates your level of professionalism? More confident? I bet!
Crafting a dynamic resume that is also a great selling tool takes more than 30 minutes. Yet, with the following quick and easy visual and marketing ‘style over’ tips, you Will begin to distinguish yourself from the job search mob.

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The Resume’s Evolution: It’s Not Dying, It’s Evolving!

Nowadays you must craft the advertising of your qualifications as if you were your own company! Smart companies shift tactics based on market opportunities and needs! Are you adjusting your efforts to position yourself as the ideal careerist in today’s ever-evolving job-search market? Dare to re-shape and revolutionize your job-search campaign, beginning with […]

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Facebook and Your Career

The most important thing you must realize is that EMPLOYERS WILL ABSOLUTELY GOOGLE YOU! If you have a name, you are googleble; if you have any social networking account, even if just one—you are definitely googleble; which means your reputation is searchable. So, now that we established this, what do you do with that information

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