“Marketing is the art of meaningful differentiation.”

John Lederer

EXECUTIVE RESUME A career-altering executive resume requires more than just an employment narrative—the new job-search market demands that your executive resume serves as a strategic roadmap, guiding you to the right market and steering interviews in your favor.


In the present occupation advertise, the resume has become the main prerequisite potential bosses demand. Before a business will set aside important efforts to talk with you, the individual needs to meet you – on paper. How you intrigue that business with your resume can and will have a significant effect.

Without a resume, you can’t start to contend, and a second-rate resume will rapidly dispense with you before you even have a battling possibility. That is the reason it is basic to have a prevalent resume, one that adequately tells bosses what you can accomplish for them.


How can you convert your executive resume into a six-figure interview magnet? Allow me to help you mount a resume turnaround by first pivoting your resume-writing perspective.


DESTINY: Where is this resume taking you?

PURPOSE: Why do you want to go there?

TARGET: Who needs your services and why?

VALUE OFFER: What services do you offer and what problem(s) would be solved?

RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI): What is in it for them?

BRAND: What is unique about how you approach your job?

DISTINCTION: How are you unmatched as an expert in your field?

REINFORCE IT: How do you measure/quantify how good you really are?

An active executive resume connects the dots for your future employer and shows them what YOU have done with the job not HOW you have done your job.


Rosa Elizabeth Vargas
Certified Master Resume Writer
Award-Winning Resume Writing Services

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