Executive Job Search Strategies Expert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies

Passion Missing From Your Job Search?

A brand that captures your mind gains behavior. A brand that captures your heart gains commitment. – Scott Talgo, Brand Strategist

Executive Job Search and Passion

Is it possible that what is missing from your job search is a fraction of passion? Don’t roll your eyes! I am not suggesting you drown your resume or online profiles with hyperbole. No. The advice is that you persuade, move, shake your future employer to their core (or to action) by spritzing some passion into your self-marketing copy. Now, here is why and how…


Why Passion?

As the job search market becomes inundated with overqualified unemployed pros, what is to distinguish your brand and qualifications from that of others? What, besides actually getting the message right, will make your personal brand memorable and recognizable?

In previous blog posts, we’ve discussed diffentiating yourself through a personal brand, resume formatting tips that attract attention, and a front-and-center value proposition. Yes, all of the above works. Yet, in the quest to continue to hoist and strengthen your distinction, passion is a personal characteristic you cannot dismiss. In the candidate vetting process, it can gain you that advantage.

How To Advertise Passion in a Credible Way?

Sure, everyone can claim they posses passion; so, merely saying you are passionate, isn’t enough. You must make the value-add connection.

First, what are you passionate about? How does that further reinforce your candidacy? How will your passion energize you to contribute the desired results? For example, how does it help you lead, retain, and mobilize talented teams across the globe?

{Emotions make us buy a product, buy into an idea or brand!}

Passion does not need to be communicated by using the word itself. The bigger picture is that you exude that energy through your marketing dossiers. Reinforce that apart from your qualifications and your personal brand—you enjoy (or love) what you do!

If you can connect what “lights your fire” at work with your employer’s needs, sell them on your qualifications, and ensure your personal brand is remembered—you will capture employment with a company, and in a role, that makes you happy!

A happy employee produces results and sticks with a company long term!

What say you about adding passion into your marketing campaign? Do you agree that it will make a difference? Start or join the conversation by commenting below.


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