Can a Job Search Offer You a Guarantee? 

Uncertain if the job search will deliver the exact job they seek, many job seekers delay their job search strategy.  Meaning, if they don’t think they will land that top-tier job they desire, they will play it safe, or they will step back from the job search altogether.

But you see, if you don’t take a risk and go after that job you’ve been eager to attain, you won’t reap the rewards.  As in life, the job search also doesn’t offer guarantees, especially during a challenging job market, and if you have bottlenecks in your career history (i.e., gaps in employment, career leap, etc.), that can make it even more challenging.

The Good News:

You must take that chance and put your best foot forward. If you don’t, if you let the fear of failure keep you from growing and reaching new heights, you will always wonder — “what if.” 

How Do You Move Forward While Also Making Sure You Are Bridging the Gap?

Decide if you are going after the job you truly desire or the job you best fit. Risk Vs. Reward. The answer truly depends on your financial situation, but please stick to your decision because focus is key. The executive job search will deliver better results if you come across focused and confident across the executive resume and other marketing materials.

Make your case strong. If you decide to dust off your leadership resume and put yourself out there — whether you are concerned about gaps in employment or skills shouldn’t matter. Your job is to position yourself by highlighting your best qualifications strongly. Make a case for yourself by working with an executive resume writer to help you draw your strengths and unique value proposition.

Do you believe you qualify? You see, job seekers — including executives–will contact me and share their wish to go after this great opportunity. Yet, they question if we would be able to attain it.
I always reply with another question, “Why did you initially decide to go after the position? Do you believe you can execute it? Of course, the answer is ALWAYS, “I know I am ready for the job. So, yes, I can”

The issue then is that they are concerned about whether the recruiters and hiring managers will think so, too. Here’s what you must remember — there is always a bigger fish in the sea. Again, your job is to make your case on paper and provide evidence in addition to a unique branding angle. Sometimes you can turn your negative into a positive. Your job is to show them on paper why you are the right fish for them.


Personal branding can help you sail uncharted waters. This is where personal branding comes in. If you understand who you are, your value, and how you differentiate yourself from others, the uncertainty is easier to embrace. You see, personal branding is not about you comparing yourself to other leaders, which will widen that gap.

Personal branding is about finding what is unique about you + leveraging your strengths + and spinning your weakness into a strategic advantage.

At the end of the day, the point is that while you cannot know for sure if your efforts will lead you to the ideal job you seek — if you are serious about taking a leap in your career — you must endeavor to make the best presentation you can for yourself + back it up with evidence + and showcase it with moxie.

I have seen way too many times that this type of effort truly does deliver results and sometimes bigger than originally expected. 


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