Rosa Elizabeth is a multi-certified executive resume writer and career coach, specializing in global job search and personal branding strategies. As a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and an award-winning 5X certified resume writer, she founded Career Steering Executive Resume Writing Services & Career Coaching to help professionals navigate their career paths with confidenc
Transition Resume
Executive Job Search Strategies

Executive Resume Tips: From Entrepreneur to Corporate

From my years of experience as an award-winning executive resume writer, I have discovered that there are certain steps to take when transitioning from running your own business to coming back under the corporate umbrella. The scenarios where entrepreneurs seek the path back into a C-Suite role happens for many reasons, here are some executive […]

Human Capital Management Executive
Executive Resume Writing Service

Human Capital Management Executive: CHRO | CPO | CTO | CEEO

The New Human Capital Management Executive: Evolving with the Times Chief Human Resource Officer | Chief People Officer | Chief Talent Officer | Chief Employee Experience Officer The role of the executive in any Human Capital Management capacity continues to evolve rapidly and, to keep up with the times, today’s HCM executive must be a […]

Executive Resume Writing Services
Executive Resume Writing Service

How To Write An Executive Resume For A New Industry In 2022

You’ve made the decision. It’s time to pursue executive-level employment in a new industry and you need to refresh your executive resume to gain a competitive foothold despite changing directions. To help hiring managers immediately see your value, here are 3 critical components to writing an executive resume (CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, CMOs, COOs, CICOs, etc.) […]

Executive Job Search
Executive Job Search Strategies

Tips to Job Search Success: Executive Job Seeker References

You’ve crafted an amazing executive resume and you’re ready to launch a job search campaign in 2021, but before you get too far into your search, have you considered who you will use as your references to verify your strengths, reputation, and qualifications? Your executive resume is a structured presentation of your career story —your […]

executive resume
Executive Job Search Strategies Executive Resume Writing Service

3 Essential Executive Resume Fixes To Quickly Polish Your Brand

At the executive-level, even the smallest combination of missteps when writing your leadership resume can trigger a bigger issue (ahem … no interviews). Let’s fix that! Below are three common executive resume writing issues and action steps you can take to make sure your executive resume fully positions you for job search success. Once you […]