Rosa Elizabeth is a multi-certified executive resume writer and career coach, specializing in global job search and personal branding strategies. As a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and an award-winning 5X certified resume writer, she founded Career Steering Executive Resume Writing Services & Career Coaching to help professionals navigate their career paths with confidenc
Expert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies

The Ideal Executive Resume Writer is a Partner

Partnership with a resume writing expert is instrumental Launching a successful executive job search requires strategic planning and management. While most of the steering once your actively searching is up to YOU– hiring the right coach and resume writer is crucial in underpinning your success. What you must understand is that by inviting an objective partner […]

Executive Job Search Strategies

Global Executive Resume Keywords

Is your executive resume projecting the global mindset of an enterprising multinational leader? In today’s global business environment, the candidate that will rise to the top of the resume pile has presented an executive resume that promotes crucial international competencies. These essential skills will help employers see you leading in a complex, dynamic, and fluid […]

Expert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies

Resume Branding Works!

Brand Your Resume with Distinction and Soar Your personal brand is your image, reputation, and distinction. A branded resume is a dossier that is unmistakably marked with superiority and distinction from start to finish.  When your personal brand is knitted into a cohesive message and woven throughout your resume, it summarizes your (UVP) unique value proposition […]

Expert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies

Spruce Up Your Resume in 60 Minutes or Less

How would you feel if you had a nicely polished resume that projects and elevates your level of professionalism? More confident? I bet!
Crafting a dynamic resume that is also a great selling tool takes more than 30 minutes. Yet, with the following quick and easy visual and marketing ‘style over’ tips, you Will begin to distinguish yourself from the job search mob.