Executive Resume Writing Service For Global Leaders

Imagine being the proud owner of a sophisticated resume that truly promotes — in a superior manner — what you have accomplished in your career. An executive resume that entices top recruiting firms and opens doors to six-figure jobs.

Our successful experience is broad, and our list of satisfied customers is extensive (1000+ customers and counting). On average, our clients have reported a 20 to 30% increase in salary offers and 2 to 3 weeks faster interviews.

We have written dynamic marketing dossiers for numerous top-brass leaders from diverse cultures and stationed across the globe. We have competitively branded them as ‘must hire’ candidates for positions at top Fortune 50/100 corporations; from rising leaders and senior executives to CEOs and Chairmen of the Board. (Yes, entrepreneurs of small startups as well). Our clientele is comprised of Americans who are working from our domestic shores and expats living and working abroad; plus International executives across the world who understand our global business world is shrinking, making competition even more intense.

Due to our comprehensive collaboration with forward-thinking and transformational global executives who are VERY busy solving a myriad of corporate challenges — our hours are flexible! Rosa our Chief Resume Strategist consults executives during the evening and weekends (by appointment) to accommodate them and ensure a confidential job search. Further, while we advocate that each client take advantage of our dual-process (written Assessment + phone consultation), we understand this isn’t always possible for our customers. Therefore, our process is flexible as well, yet we make certain to mine and push the envelope to capture all the pertinent data we need to deliver to you an impressive job-search dossier.

Global Executive Resume ServiceOur global reach: North America, Central America, South America, Western and Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia.

Our clientele includes: Presidents, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Compliant Officer (CCO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Chief Security Officer (CSO), Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Chief Information Technology Officer (CITO), Chief Information Officer (CIO),  Chief Risk Officer, Chief Product Officer (CPO)…and other C-Level Executives.

Executive Vice President of Marketing and Global Accounts (EVP), Senior Vice Presidents, Vice President of Sales, VP Customer Service Operations, General Managers (GM), Project Managers, Regional Sales Managers, Product Marketers, Software Engineers, Creative Directors, Senior Product Managers, Senior Business Strategy Analyst, and more.

Our client portfolio includes executives from Fortune 50, 100, and 500 companies: CNN, FOX, Google, Microsoft, Time Warner, Apple, Amazon.com, IBM, Walt Disney, FED EX, Procter & Gamble, NIKE, Caterpillar, Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Walmart, J.P. Morgan Chase, Nestle, Cisco Systems, Toyota, Ford Motor, UPS, Marriott International, Volkswagen, Whole Foods Market, AT&T, Verizon, Pfizer, Abbott Laboratories, Lockheed Martin, Allstate and more global corporations.

Marketing challenges our Resume Strategist has helped our clients solve:

  • One employer for an entire career (15+ years!).
  • Series of lateral moves with no official promotion.
  • Applying for an internal position (lateral or vertical move).
  • Stream of startups to be translated into cohesive achievements and showcase career progression.
  • Deputy C-level executive without the official job title but all of the responsibility.
  • Previous employment is more attractive than current employment.
  • Resume is outdated and mundane; not at the executive level (last updated a decade ago).
  • Terminated or downsized and must make an enormous impact to overshadow recent events.
  • Several short-term assignments (misleading reader to think ‘job-hopper’).
  • Business owner, looking to return to corporate America.
  • Job titles do not reflect actual accountabilities.
  • Sensing it is time to ‘get out’ of the current job but never needed a resume before.
  • Conducting a proactive job search and targeting particular companies.
  • Already have a resume but it is not yielding the desirable interviews.

The above are just a few of the obstacles we have dissolved for our clients through strategic resume development. Our writer Rosa is a ‘triple threat’ writer: 1. strategic writing, 2. visual marketing, and 3. intuitive assessment/interview skills that deliver the WOW factor — crucial to blot out the competition in our ever-demanding job search market.

For a customized quote, please email your resume and a summary of your situation to writer@careersteering.com or call inside the United States: Call 321-704-7201.

International clients can call the number above, email us, or leave a message via Skype: Rosa.Vargas5.


To begin today with our most popular executive resume service packages, click here.