Life outside of the office is just as, if not more, important as the demands of one’s occupational profession.

With so many levels of commitment—as a parent, student, employee, and other collective responsibilities—self-care and self-management is an essential (and often neglected) part of those day-to-day obligations. You see, to excel at work, taking time for yourself and mitigating stress is critical.

Adam I vs. Adam II: Which One Are You Favoring?

But is it in our nature to stress ourselves out because we are truly fighting our inner duality?

In the philosophical essay (“The Lonely Man of Faith”) written by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, he examines the issue of enduring faithfulness in a predominately materialistic and nonspiritual world. He explains that there are two sides to human beings – “Adam I” and “Adam II.”

Soloveitchik wrote that “Adam I is the career-oriented, ambitious side of our nature,” wanting to have high status, a master’s in education, financial wealth, power, and dominion. Adam I is self-centered. In contrast, Rabbi James Rosenberg describes Adam II as more “internally focused.” Adam II wants to have a tranquil internal charisma, an unyielding consciousness of “right and wrong—not only to do good but to be good.” Adam II is more concerned with being an active and supporting parent. Adam II’s deep humbleness is aired in an eagerness to subdue the wants and pleas of the self for the sake of the family.

Rabbi James Rosenberg explains that the qualities of Adam I and Adam II are not equally restricted, but that we need both.

Individually, people must develop the merits (education, knowledge, and importance) of Adam I to become gainfully employed. The bible says that “man does not live by bread alone,” nonetheless, the bread helps.

It is imperative to understand that we need to apply the characteristic of Adam I to harvest a master’s in education and self-fulfillment to fully take on the responsibilities of Adam II’ s values as a loving and nurturing parent.

What Area of Your Life Needs the Most TLC?

According to research, Elizabeth Scott highlights five self-care exercises for each area of life.

Emotional Self-Care is the ability to depend on “healthy coping” when difficult feelings, like anger, anxiety, and sadness, are invading one’s space.

Spiritual Self-Care can encompass whatever helps one to cultivate a proper understanding of meaning and purpose with the universe and does not always associate a connection with God or religion.

Physical Self-Care is said to incorporate how one operates their body to the amount of sleep that is or isn’t occurring; the amount of physical activity nourishing for physical necessities.

Regular doctor’s appointments, being consistent with recommended prescriptions and governing your well-being are all measures of good physical self-care.

Mental Self-Care is when you participate in activities that stimulate the mind. The way one utilizes their mind has a significant impact on their mental health.

Social Self-Care. Relationships are imperative to one’s welfare; this includes a healthy relationship with yourself. It is vital to practice self-benevolence and acceptance, which mostly leads to a healthier inner dialogue.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the third level of “human needs” is social, involving feelings of belongingness; the need for interpersonal relationships motivates behavior. Hence, the most effective way to preserve healthy interactions is by making relationship connections with others.

How Do You Begin to Take That First Step Toward a Healthy Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance is very much dependent on the individual. It encompasses becoming in tune with your internal-self by way of self-reflection and considering what is significant and vital to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being— also known as “self-care.”

Implementing positive self-care is good for fostering an appropriate disposition and reducing anxiety.

Being conscious and mindful of what works and doesn’t is imperative to effectively manage the layers of responsibility we all carry on a day-to-day basis.

  • Identify critical stressors in your life. What emotional and physical ‘weight’ is causing you stress?
  • Make time to spend time with yourself. Mindful self-care is essential.
  • Sleep well. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you will experience excessive daytime sleepiness, which will impede your ability to remain awake and alert during the day. If you wake up feeling tired often and are struggling to make through your day, you may need to seek medical treatment for sleep deprivation.
  • Manage your work time. Are you working long shifts day-after-day? If so, you might need better time management or to speak with your supervisor about your work schedule and responsibilities.

You are in control, and to be in control, you need to give both your work and personal life (Adam I and Adam II) equal attention.


5 Self-Care Practices For Every Area of Your Life. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2019

About The Author 

Shelton Watson is a knowledge seeker, mentor, and professional blogger. He holds a master’s degree in social work from Yeshiva University. He offers an academic and career foundation with a focus on bettering the human condition, which adds a distinguishing insight into his creative, evidence-based, and inspiring articles.


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