Video profiles (video resumes) are becoming a highly influential personal branding tool. With hundreds of executives vying for the same career opportunity, give yourself an edge by producing your first video resume and producing it the right way.

A few years back, recruiters and hiring managers were a bit more apprehensive about video profiles/resumes. While it is true that during the initial application process no one has time to sort through videos—once you have been pegged as a strong candidate—more time will be invested in choosing the right executive.

You can expect that employers will Google you; consequently, you should amplify your personal brand message with a robust online branding campaign.  Your new and sophisticated video resume will help you stand out. 

How Can A Video Resume Help Your Executive Job Search?

Is the traditional resume dead? No. I am not suggesting that you use the video resume over the ‘paper’ resume, but that each one works to help you thrive through the interview and candidate vetting cycle.

The video resume will help you connect with recruiters and hiring authorities on a human level and enable you to soar above your competition. A few reasons why a video resume is a good idea:

  • You will brandish your communication skills.
  • Exude your executive presence.
  • Infiltrate search engines (YouTube is the second most popular search engine behind Google).
  • Become mobile friendly. The traditional resume isn’t always mobile-friendly. YouTube is!
  • Showcase that you stay ahead of trends and are not technology-phobic.
  • Engage millennials. The new workforce is tech-savvy, and as a leader, you are expected to speak ‘their language.’
  • Revive your image. If you are concerned that you are an older candidate and employers might think you are ‘stuck in your ways,’ this is your opportunity to showcase you have not lost a step.
  • Reinforce your expertise and underscore your thought leadership.

Is A Video Resume Right For Your Executive Job Search?

Creating a video is not for everyone. Quite frankly, there are professionals producing videos that should not. For a video resume to be beneficial to you, above all, you must

  • have strong communication skills,
  • polished executive image.
  • confidence speaking into a camera, 
  • professional attire.

Think of someone right now in your circle of friends who always tells you the truth. Great. Ask that person if they think you would be a great candidate for a video profile/resume.

Steps You Need To Take To Build Your Video Profile 

Step #1 Define Your Brand

Before you produce your video resume, organize what you are going to communicate. To convey value, you need to define your brand.

Create your lane by identifying what makes you unique in your industry. Why are you good at what you do and how are your qualifications distinct?

By taking the time to zero in on what makes you the best choice for the type of positions you seek, you will be better able to deliver value via your online video.

#2 Create A Script 

So you have decided that you are a great candidate for a video resume and you have also zeroed in on your brand. Great job!

Now, write your script. Here is a mock script you can modify to create your video executive profile.

Important: Be sure to keep your video duration to under two minutes. Under one minute is preferred. 

Hello, my name is ______ and I specialize in ______. I am looking for _____.

For the past 15 years, I have served in ______ capacity for Employer.Inc., which is a ________________ (give a brief intro about the company).

I have provided this company with XYZ (talk about huge wins).

What I most enjoy about my job is the following ___________.

What inspires me is____________.

A variation of the above would work. Give it your personal spin.

Important caveat! 

When you must be careful while you job search:
If you are conducting a covert job search, you can create a YouTube video but angle it so that you are coming across as an ambassador for the current brand.

How? Toward the end of your video, talk about your company/employer and the value they offer their B2B/B2C customers and connect to the footage from your LinkedIn profile under current employment.

When you are conducting an open job search:
If there is no risk for you and you are conducting an overt job search, then toward the end of your video share how recruiters can contact you should they come across your video online.

What You Will Need To Create Your Video Profile

1. YouTube Account. Set up your YouTube Channel. While there are other video-sharing websites like and, YouTube is the most popular one.

2. Camera. A camera phone, webcam, or camcorder; any of these would suffice as long as you record in high quality. The recommended video resolution setting is 1080p: 1920×1080.

3. Microphone. If you are going to use a webcam, then be sure to get a USB microphone. If you will be using your cellphone, use a mobile mic so you drown out the noise and create a clear-sounding video.

4. Lighting. You can purchase a tripod for steady footage, especially if you are going to use your mobile. You can also purchase a tripod with lighting. If you will use your PC/Mac, be sure to place a lamp with warm lighting in front of you.

5. Background. Be sure that behind you, you have something visually appealing and no clutter! You can also purchase a video backdrop. Prices for backdrops vary, so you will be able to find one within your budget.

Don’t upload your video right away. After you produce a few of these video resumes, have your friends and family help you decide which is the best one.

If you would like our help, please contact us at

Good luck!


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