Part of the Career Collective monthly posts series. “Re-Tooling, Re-Focusing, Organizing, and Spring Cleaning Your Job Search.” Please see end of this post for more advice from other career experts.

Branding yourself was a great idea! You are well aware of your unique value offer; have leveraged it to position yourself as an expert in your field and ‘knockout’ other heavy-weight champions. Great job!

What’s next? To stay current, you must always revisit your personal brand’s core values, ensure the value offer you’ve focused on is still in alignment with your target employer’s fluctuating needs. If it isn’t, you may need to re-brand yourself.

A re-tooling of your personal brand is sometimes necessary in reaction to fluid industry demands—very strategic and smart defense! HOWEVER, a proactive re-brand based on forecasted industry needs and a deep-dive self reassessment –is even smarter!  (That’s offense, baby!)

So, is it time to re-evaluate, clean up, refocus, and polish your personal brand? Get your gloves, dust mops, and brooms…(pen and paper will work too).

Canvassing. Initiate contact with your target employer.

Learn. What is important to them as they plan for the future.

Evaluate. How does your personal brand meet their needs?

Adjust. Discard the old, remove barriers to the new you.

New. Package yourself anew this spring with a fresh and in-demand brand.

As always, if any questions: | Master Resume Writer
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More advice from the career collective experts. Please visit the links below.

Personal Branding to Fire Up Your Job Search, @DebraWheatman

Succeeding in a “Final Jeopardy!” World, @WalterAkana

5 Steps to Retool & Jumpstart Your Job Search, @erinkennedycprw

Your Job Search: Let’s Just Start Again Shall We? @GayleHoward

Checklist for Spring Cleaning Your Job Search, @careersherpa

5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Job Search, @heatherhuhman

Ten Surefire Ways to Organize Your Job Search, @KatCareerGal

Put Spring Into Your Job Search, @EliteResumes @MartinBuckland

Toes in the Water, @ValueIntoWords

How to Revitalize a Stale Job Search, @KCCareerCoach

How to re-think your job search, @Keppie_Careers

Wake Up and Smell the Flowers: Spring Cleaning Your Resume, @barbarasafani

Spring Cleaning and Your Personal Brand, @resumeservice

Spring clean your mind clutter first, @DawnBugni

Managing Your Career 2.0: On Giving Something Up To Get It Right, @Chandlee

Clean up, Chin, up, Shape up, @LaurieBerenson


One Comment

  1. Rosa,
    I feel the same way Dawn does! Love the CLEAN acronym! That says it all! You should trademark that acronym! Super!
    My favorite is Canvassing target employers- so important and scary too.

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