Don’t Panic If You Haven’t Found a Job Yet

Here are 5 Things You Need to Do Immediately 

You’ve sent out dozens of resumes, made phone calls to connect with former colleagues and you’re not having any success. Before you hit the panic button, here are 5 things you can do to help move your job search forward.

Get Clear on Where You’re Going

Due diligence is an essential part of the executive job search and it starts by identifying target employers and industries you potentially want to work for. Begin again by building your dream list of employers, ideal industries, and next-level positions.  Once you’ve identified where you want to go, you can use your information to laser-focus your search and reap better results.

Clearly Define Your Value Proposition

If your job search is stalled, take a fresh look at your resume to ensure it clearly conveys the results you deliver –with focus on differentiators that set you apart from peers with similar experience.

A ‘mediocre’ resume will say “Led project management teams in support of international expansion.”

A value-focused resume will convey, “Provided pivotal leadership for project management team of 10 charged with creating strategies and executing $5B international expansion into Europe.”

Provide the reader with:

  • Examples of challenges your face and results you delivered.
  • Why you are more qualified than your peers with similar experience.
  • A deeper dive via  accomplishment statements driving home your value

Have an Online Presence and Portfolio of Career Marketing Documents that Reinforce Your Brand.

In addition, at the C-suite level, it is critical you go beyond having a stellar executive resume and that you put together a comprehensive portfolio of career marketing documents that strategically align your skills and experience with your next role.

Your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile all need to answer the employer’s question, “What can you do for us?”

  • Search your name and clean up any digital dirt –check your privacy settings on your social media accounts and delete any unflattering pictures. The goal is to make sure your online footprint is aligned with the message your resume is sending.
  • Integrate keywords throughout your LI profile –relevant keywords to your name, headline, and summary section will make your profile search engine friendly and boost your visibility.

Lean On Networking

Cultivate, nurture, and expand both your on- and off-line networks. People enjoy helping other people. If you are unemployed, let it be known you are looking for a new position and if you are still employed and looking, research and identify individuals who can help introduce you to decision makers at the companies you’ve identified.

Don’t rely on job boards.

Many opportunities at the executive-level are not publicly posted. This is why networking is so important at the c-suite level.

Today’s job search landscape demands a proactive approach. If your job search has gotten off track, use this 6-point checklist to rein it back in.

__ I’ve defined my career goals and the path I’d like to pursue.

__ I’ve researched companies/positions/ industries and aligned my skills/experience with their needs.

__ I’ve reviewed my resume to ensure it clearly conveys my value proposition and provides proof of my accomplishments.

__ I’ve prepared a portfolio of career marketing documents (cover letter, LinkedIn Profile, Executive Bio, Networking Resume) that further conveys my distinguishing value and my legacy of results.

__ I’ve built an online presence that reinforces my brand using keywords and phrases throughout my social media profiles that will increase my visibility.

__ I’m leaning into my network with focus on strengthening my existing connections and building new ones.


Good luck!

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