Partnership with a resume writing expert is instrumental Launching a successful executive job search requires strategic planning and management. While most of the steering once your actively searching is up to YOU– hiring the right coach and resume writer is crucial in underpinning your success. What you must understand is that […]
Read MoreExpert Tips On Executive Resume Branding Strategies
Learn how to brand your resume with expert this from our master resume writer and coach
Resume Branding Works!
Brand Your Resume with Distinction and Soar Your personal brand is your image, reputation, and distinction. A branded resume is a dossier that is unmistakably marked with superiority and distinction from start to finish. When your personal brand is knitted into a cohesive message and woven throughout your resume, it summarizes […]
Read MoreLinkedIn’s Great Slideshare Presentation
How is that job search coming along? I am sure you’ve heard the buzz—LinkedIn has become the #1 social media tool to professionally network, gain job search leads and penetrate the hidden job market. Mmm-hmm, glad you are aware! Now what can you do to stand out from the crowd of executives […]
Read MoreSpruce Up Your Resume in 60 Minutes or Less
How would you feel if you had a nicely polished resume that projects and elevates your level of professionalism? More confident? I bet!
Crafting a dynamic resume that is also a great selling tool takes more than 30 minutes. Yet, with the following quick and easy visual and marketing ‘style over’ tips, you Will begin to distinguish yourself from the job search mob.
The Resume’s Evolution: It’s Not Dying, It’s Evolving!
Nowadays you must craft the advertising of your qualifications as if you were your own company! Smart companies shift tactics based on market opportunities and needs! Are you adjusting your efforts to position yourself as the ideal careerist in today’s ever-evolving job-search market? Dare to re-shape and revolutionize your job-search campaign, beginning with […]
Read MoreJob Seeker, Are You Crazy?
Next time your job search coach/resume writer advises you go a little ‘crazy’ and, well, let’s see… trash your old, boring, safe, and mundane resume—listen to them. If they ask you to have a little trust in their expertise…you know what you must do? You get out of your comfort zone—and, yes—listen to them.
Read MoreSpring Cleaning and Your Personal Brand
Branding yourself was a great idea! You are well aware of your unique value offer; have leveraged it to position yourself as an expert in your field and ‘knockout’ other heavy-weight champions. Great job!
Read MoreWorst Resume Mistakes: Career Experts Share Resume Bloopers and More…
You invest hours researching how to craft a dynamic resume, you slave over a few drafts, you attach your final polished draft to a well-written email and you click that button with the cute little envelope icon…Whatchamacallit? Oh. Yes. The Send button. You feel good. You’re hopeful. You can’t wait ’till you hear back because you just know your resume is impressive. Wait a minute… what’s that!? It’s…a MISTAKE on your resume! Well, maybe they won’t notice (you think?).
These guys noticed. Read the following bloopers, advice, pet-peeves, and humorous stories told by professional resume writers and career coaches. The experts share some of the worst mistakes and costly negligence they have seen on resumes (a bit beyond typos). Hopefully, they will save you from the same doom that almost befell their clients.
Dancing With Words Lead to Masterful Resumes
To you job seeker, if you are trying to go at it alone, I hope you rethink this plan; because if a blank document on your screen with the vertical line blinking doesn’t get you excited, the end result won’t induce a better emotion from your employer. Leave it up to us “geeks” who love to write, dance with words and ideas, and will passionately communicate your differentiating value, which will win you the interview you dream of. Then, it is your turn to dance.
Read MoreWin by Promoting Value Over The Rest
The game has gotten tougher folks! The same way in which you make purchasing decisions (you want to get the best for the money)—employers want to hire the best for the salary and they desire to not make a mistake in hiring you.
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