We write conservative, modern, and creative cover letters. This particular client requested a more robust presentation to project a cutting-edge HR leader who is head of the curve when it comes to HR trends. We also created customized graphics made in Photoshop to give the client more design appeal.
Tagline keywords: Inspiring global teams, building organizations, executive solutions
Personal branding statement: Positive driving force of explosive revenue growth and global competitiveness
Logo: We wanted to showcase the clients global reach
Chart: A graphic was utilized to drive home her multifaceted executive-level competency. This creative cover letter did very well for our Human Capital Strategist Client. The client’s favorite shape was a diamond. The client also wanted the color orange in her designs.
Bar Graph: A simple bar graph was used to illustrate the clients deal order growth and revenue acceleration over 3 years.
Emphasis: Training, education, sales growth, and revenue growth