Nowadays you must craft the advertising of your qualifications as if you were your own company! Smart companies shift tactics based on market opportunities and needs! Are you adjusting your efforts to position yourself as the ideal careerist in today’s ever-evolving job-search market?

Dare to re-shape and revolutionize your job-search campaign, beginning with a daring new resume that will soar above the rest.

A cutting-edge and interview-capturing resume…

Breaks the Traditional Formatting Boundaries: It is “okay” to use color, perhaps a testimonial, a quote or even a logo on your resume. In fact, I encourage it! See what a difference it makes. It will impress within seconds, enthralling your employer and guiding their eyes further down the dossier.




Is Social Media Friendly: Some say the resume is dead. I don’t believe that!  To this day I still see every job ad asking you to submit your resume. It is true that you must have an online presence to reinforce your candidacy and gain a vantage point in the candidate-vetting process, but the resume is not dead. The interview-winning resume has evolved and has become part of an integrated digital marketing and branding effort.



Positions Information Based on Relevancy vs. Chronology. There are a myriad of ways to craft your marketing message to position yourself for success with your best foot forward! When you stick to the traditional way of listing your employment (chronological) you are confining yourself to depend mainly on your most recent job (even if short term and irrelevant). In the case of a traditional chronological resume, you are leaving it up the employer to figure out where your best work has been and what your career highs have included. They won’t make the time to figure this out. They don’t have it.

Consider a hybrid resume in which you outweigh, prioritize, and highlight relevant and influential examples that convey what a top performer you really are.


Is Well Branded Through Tightly-Knitted Career Stories: To impress someone you must go beyond qualifications. To go beyond qualifications you must dig deeper than just your job descriptions and accomplishments. What is your story? What challenges did you face and how did you go about overcoming them? Why did they hire you? What did they need from you? Then connect that chapter (employment/tenure) with the next chapter, building a rich and branded tale for which you are the “hero” and the only one that can save your future employer. It is this type of writing and resume development that will win in this highly saturated job-search market.

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas

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