How is that job search coming along?

I am sure you’ve heard the buzz—LinkedIn has become the #1 social media tool to professionally network, gain job search leads and penetrate the hidden job market. Mmm-hmm, glad you are aware!

Now what can you do to stand out from the crowd of executives and job seekers who have flocked to LinkedIn with the same idea as you? Many, many things can be done—but today, I am sharing with you the idea of incorporating a SlideShare presentation into your LinkedIn profile! Especially since SlideShare and LinkedIn have married!

My clients LOVE LinkedIn because they can conduct a very successful, stealth job search campaign— keeping them safe from their current employer’s wrath!

I LOVE LinkedIn because it has amazing features to help me, help my clients stand out by strengthening their online brand.

I have a very interesting story to share with you about one of my clients who (yes, with my support) made a successful career transition into a very difficult market (she is even relocating to a new state) by networking via LinkedIn—very strategically, I must add!

However, I will leave that story for another day. (Soon. I promise)  Today, I’d like to bring your attention to how you can use SlideShare on LinkedIn and attract more power players into your network and win an introduction to their network!


Now, how does adding a presentation on LinkedIn benefit YOU!? Simply put, you can create a presentation that visually showcases your value offer, your experience, your career mission—you name it—anything, visually presented and tastefully “cooked up” can help elevate your brand on LinkedIn.

Here are two great examples: Resume Presentation #1 | Resume Presentation #2

Please, don’t mistakenly deduce that a presentation on your LinkedIn profile is exclusively for creative careers. Nope. Not true!

Say you are a Global Sales Executive, you can create a witty, interesting presentation, which may include charts and graphs of your goal attainments over the years across various employments so your illustration makes an impact and prompts them to call you!

Yes, of course, it is easier to imagine that if you are… say a Creative Director, you can add thumbnails and links to the visual campaigns you have directed. Yet, even if your career is one in which you do not have the opportunity to translate your achievements into data that can be presented in a visually creative manner–you still can still create a very persuasive and powerful presentation.

For example, say you are an Accountant, what about sharing your bio with your picture? Listing your credentials? Talking about the value you offer by invoking the “artist” in you, or sharing why you enjoy accounting? It is all in the presentation. Tell your story through a visual vehicle; follow that information with a link to your downloadable resume and your phone number. If you perform this kind of personal packaging — you would have done something amazing to strengthen you online brand.

Further, SlideShare now has even more features and with the new features, you have an opportunity to link your social media handles (Twitter, Facebook) to your presentation. The main idea here is that you add pizzazz to your ho-hum LinkedIn profile; that, along with great marketing copy will position you strongly within LinkedIn’s search, and will win you an edge in this challenging job search market.

Take a look at some of my resume samples in a presentation below. You will find this presentation directly on my LinkedIn profile. Why? This way, any potential job seeker who is thinking about hiring my services, can analyze my resume writing style and determine if we are the right fit before taking another step!  This will filter not only the right candidates for me but will help the job seeker determine if I am right to write for them!

Also it brands me! Now job seekers know the caliber of my work and why I am an award-winning resume writer.:-) (A little boasting is healthy.)

Have you incorporated a presentation application into your LinkedIn profile? If so, which one? Can you share other ways in which you have “beefed up” your LinkedIn profile?



If you have any questions regarding our resume writing services, LinkedIn profile development, or social media marketing consultations, please email |

Executive Resume Service

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